Wednesday, 8 October 2008

recording your lectures on the cheap

i only caught the end of this, but it was about setting up a cheap 'n' cheerful camcorder at the front of your lecture theatre to record your lectures so that you could upload them for students to view at a later date. not my cup of tea, but the following snippets were fairly convincing and seem worth sharing:
  • overwhelmingly seen to be a positive thing for students
  • lack of studio/production quality not seen to be a problem by students
  • no influence on lecture attendance ("if students aren't going to attend, then they're not going to attend regardless"; also lecture attendance is a more effective way of managing their time - set time, location - than trying to fit in an extra hour to review later, so it tends to be used as a complementary resource instead)
  • it offers the lecturer another way of communicating with students


Louise said...

an early lecture...
interestingly no one seems to be paying attention, the tutor nor the students (aside - how long must they have actually been looking away for???)
the image quality suggests the technician recording the lecture has got some serious game
the subject of the lecture was probably very cheap..and, oddly, appears most cheerful ;-)

The Lecture

gs said...

freaky! really, really freaky. hello insomnia, my old friend...

there are elements of that picture that seem suitable for a very unsavoury item in VIZ (and if you know what i'm talking about, you need no further explanation; and if you don't, sorry, but i've no intention of explaining it). so i'm pleased (???) to award 6 points for shoehorning so many keywords into one picture as well as making me giggle incessantly.

we have a new winner!

Louise said...

apologies - this is a semi-serious blog comment (are they allowed?)

did the presenters make any suggestion about how recording lectures fit with the theme of mobile learning? - on a techie point were the videos in an easy mobile format or shared through a platform accessible mobile? was the premise about learning whilst mobile or mobilising learning (ie making it happen somewhere else?)

if the latter, then I'm a bit disappointed as "m" is just re-heated "e", are others at the conference finding it useful?

gs said...

ok, i'll let you off with the serious comment :)

actually, i'm glad you asked because the 'e' vs 'm' is one of the things i'm struggling with here at the moment - there doesn't seem to be any consensus about what the mobile bit really entails. my guess in this instance (and i really only did catch the last 10 minutes, so may have missed something more profound, though i doubt it) is that it was about mobilising the lecture as a learning resource that could be accessed from any location. but as you say, what makes this m-learning instead of e-learning, i'm not sure.

it's a common problem - a session yesterday was talking about m-portfolios, but i really struggled to see what made them anything different from e-portfolios. even though some of the resources could be uploaded from a mobile device, they were still stored on traditional websites or social networking profiles. all very confusing.

smodge said...

I wonder if they actually don't know themselves - it seems to me it's one of those "well it could be anything, but for the sake of convenience lets call it mobile for today.." things. Lazy? or just the way it is?

smodge said...

Some cheap and cheerful students, yesterday..

smodge said...

(do you see how I managed to post my comment with a link first time there, without having to delete the comment twice?? - I think it might be worth an extra point)

gs said...

well, they're definitely cheap and cheerful! 3 points there smodge - 1 each for cheap and cheerful, and 1 for the shameless pandering to someone who loves christmas.

i was quite enjoying the "there's-a-new-comment-oh-no-there-isn't!" pantomime though :)